Forex Trends for a Successful Trader

Author: Jeff Webb

Forex trends are main factor to being successful trader, there are two methods followed such as fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Both the method is used by traders to sell their points. Fundamental analysis helps in knowing the basic factors which influence the prices of currencies like the size of the economics of countries delivering them, trade relationships with other countries, political policies, and so it is the process of anticipating where prices will go as a result of these factors.

Technical analysis is more statistical in approach and depends on different tools like forex calculators, indicators, to anticipate the trading movements. Forex factory is a website which lists all the active announcements for the forex markets.

Government will release reports which can make a currency pair to move aggressively. It is intelligent idea is not to trade on a currency pair 30 minutes before and after announcement. You have to check with the forex factory at the starting of the day before you start any forex trading activity. Forex broker will help you to get a forex simulator without having a paid account. Before to start with the real money account, you can trade demo account. Iforex is an international group of Forex Company which was introduced in the year 1996 by a group of bankers and forex dealers. Iforex has extended its client base to tens of thousands by improving trade volume to the tune of hundreds of billions. Iforex offers currency traders the option of two user friendly online trading platforms. It is frequently updated with the financial news and 24 hour support. Iforex is able to trade for the traders whenever they choose by using the system they like.

It does not manage investment portfolios. The foreign currency converter or exchange rates are the main tools for successful forex trading. The main reason for foreign currency rates\' swinging is the rate is tied in their own respective countries. The factors which affect the currency trading are country economic behavior, trading procedures among other nations, and political conditions. Trading currency is also known as forex.

There are number of US companies offering service to trade. You have to sign up the practice account first and mostly companies provide free practice account for the new trader. It is a good chance for new one to know more information and every nook and corner of forex trading. After gets comfortable and confident, you can open a real account. It is high risk trading so it is better to sign up with real market only after obtaining knowledge and techniques to be applied by practicing with the demo account.

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Best List of Top Forex Websites

Author: Nial Fuller

Babypips (
Babypips is one of the most trusted names in forex education for newbie\'s. It is a comprehensive forex educational website offering a trading-school which starts you out in forex 'pre-school' and takes you step-by-step all the way up through the college level of forex trading education. It is a very well designed and user friendly website, very non-intimidating for the beginning trader. Babypips offers many other great features as well like blogs, forums, a 'forexpedia', and other various forex trading tools, for free.

Forex Factory (
Forex Factory has what is arguably the best forex forum anywhere on the internet. The forum is very active and includes a plethora of forex trading information from experienced traders. It is really a great learning tool for new traders as it is a virtual meeting place for both professional traders and amateurs. They have a great daily economic calendar that conveys the relative importance of all economic reports each day for the forex market. In addition there are many threads offering free forex trading systems, Forex Factory is a great tool to further your forex education.

Learn To Trade The Market (
This is another good forex educational website that is geared specifically towards price action traders. Nial Fuller does a good job of explaining his trading strategies via a large library of free price action trading videos and educational articles. In addition to learning how to trade forex using price action setups, there are informative articles on psychology, money management, and similar topics. The daily market commentary provides current price action trade setups and a daily chart analysis; this is a useful resource for learning how Nial\'s methods apply to current forex market conditions. There is also a comprehensive price action trading course offered that includes access to the member\'s area of the website.

Bloomberg ( and Reuters (
These two websites are grouped together because they are both very good and objective financial news industry titans. Both offer in-depth coverage of the global financial markets and each have pages dedicated to the currency markets. If you are looking for a more comprehensive understanding of the macro level fundamentals that are driving world financial markets, check out Bloomberg or Reuters. They also both provide up to date foreign currency exchange rates for just about any currency pair you care to know about.

Forex Peace Army (
Forex peace army contains a vast amount of information on various forex products, everything from trading systems, courses, software, to managed forex accounts. It contains reviews of these products as well as reviews of forex brokers, educational systems, and forums. You will also find information that will help you determine whether or not a particular forex product is a scam or not. This website is widely regarded as one of the more honest and objective hubs for forex related information and reviews. As their website states 'Forex Peace Army is an ALL FREE SERVICE for the community of forex traders'.

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Forex Trading For A Living - 6 Cardinal Rules To Sustain Your Forex Trading Career

Author: Daniel S.

Learning how to trade forex successfully and being a full time forex trader is a lot more than analyzing forex charts, then jumping in on your forex investment. There are plenty of currency traders that are successful for a short period of time and then fall apart and lose their edge.

As a professional and full time forex trader myself, I\'ll like to share the 6 cardinal rules as a personal advice to help you sustain your career as a full time forex trader.

1. Don't forget to check your economic calendar

It sounds like something that should be obvious, but you would be surprised at the number of currency traders who forget to simply check the economic calendar each and every morning to make sure that they don\'t miss out economic data releases. If you want to avoid a situation where you spend all day trying to find a good investment opportunity and then have it fall by the wayside because of this, go to a site like the Forex Factory each and every day before you jump into the action.

2. Use economic forums to your advantage

When you are trading, forex forums can serve two purposes for you. First, they\'re going to provide you with a productive way take a break during slow periods of business. The life of a full time trader can be very boring. Second, you\'re going to have a way to discuss forex trading intelligently with other like-minded individuals as you\'re rarely going to be in a situation where someone else in your household could even care what you are talking about.

3. Enjoy your life

After spending all day in a high paced environment and staring on the monitors while you\'re doing forex trading online, you need to get out and interact with some human beings again. Crunching numbers all day and being exposed to the level of stress you\'re going to have in the forex market demands a little release. Make some time to get out and enjoy yourself and you won\'t regret it.

4. Don't allow yourself to get lazy

If you are successful currency trader or just learning to trade forex, one of the best forex tips I can give you abouts something other than forex is to not fall into the trap of getting sedentary and spending all your time worrying about the forex market. In order to keep your body in shape and your mind fresh, you\'re going to have to get your fair share of exercise. This is not a job is going to create a lot of movement. You be sitting down all day at a computer and exercise will help in keeping you sharp.

5. Get off your computer a couple of times a day

You are going to learn very quickly that the more you sit at your computer, the less focused you become. This is extremely dangerous in the forex trading. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a quick 15 minute break so you can go out and get some fresh air a couple times a day. It\'s a quick way to recharge your batteries and regain your focus to take a successful trade.

6. You work hard for that money, now make it work for you

Forex trading is not the only place where your money can grow. Once you have established yourself as a successful trader, pull some of that money out and put it to work in other areas. You may decide to buy some investment properties or dive into a separate market and allow your money to grow in other ways. It also serves to diversify your portfolio.

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To learn how to trade forex successfully using a simple, time-tested and proven forex trading system, download my FREE 56-page 'Forex Trading To Riches' ebook at
The author, Daniel Su, is the founder of where you can get free premium forex trading tips and resources. Daniel Su specializes in teaching real people how to trade the Forex market for long term financial success.